"News from the Rhizosphere" will be in accompanying Martin Machado's "Three Sheets to the Wind, Out on a Limb." It will feature Charlotte Beavers, Gabriel Isaac Kasor, Ryan Beavers, Dave Muller, Stephen Amato-Salvatierra, Bardos (Aaron Brown), Oliver Hawk Holden, Chelsea Wong, and Andy Brennan.

Machado has a tight community of artists, as well as artisanal food and wine makers, in San Francisco. As a nod to, and celebration of, San Francisco's rich history of inclusive events with multiple participating artists, he has curated a group show for our viewing room. He's also organized a musical performance by Josiah Flores and will be serving his own cider during the opening.

The rhizosphere is the narrow band of soil on the earth's surface which is directly influenced by plants roots and microorganisms. This exhibit showcases the vibrant community of San Francisco makers and creatives who lay the groundwork for our local culture. At the root of the art world are artists, and "News from the Rhizosphere" is Machado's way of reminding us no art can stand alone from its context and its people. We come with news from the roots of the Bay.