Bryson Gill USA, b. 1983

Bryson Gill lives and works in San Francisco, CA and received his Bachelors in Fine Art from California College of the Arts in 2005.  Gill has had solo shows at Co-Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark; Jace Gace, Portland, OR; Kayo Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT and Triple Base, San Francisco, CA. He has also been featured in group exhibitions at Baer Ridgway Exhibitions, San Francisco, CA; Galerie Davide Di Maggio, Milan, Italy; Galleri Kant, Espen, Denmark; Mahan Gallery, Columbus, OH, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA; and Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Sonoma, CA. Gill’s work has been reviewed in The San Francisco Chronicle, Art Practical, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, Flavorpill, and Artspeak.