I anxiously locked up the gate at FFDG Friday night and was on my way to The Luggage Store. I had been daydreaming about Paul Wackers work all week. And I was anxious to see his new pieces and get lost in the scenes.

Upon arriving, I realized that there would be no getting lost in his work tonight. Not because the work was lacking anything in any way, the work was breathtaking, incredible. But there were soooooo many people, I couldn't even hear myself think.

The room was packed, hot, and muggy. Sun streamed in through the large windows attacking my eyes. I was feeling a little panicky with all the sounds and all the movement. I quickly found some solitude behind my lens, though getting the shots of his work without interference was near impossible.

This was one of my favorite pieces from the show. I love all the elements with the water, trees, rock, and ground. The way the ribbons dance over the water is magical. And the ripples on the waters surface where the ribbons enter, makes me I feel like I'm there.


The floating ribbon reminds me of when cassette tapes came undone and you'd see them floating around in the air on the highway or fluttering from a tree or road sign. It had been a long while since I had seen this, but just that day at FFDG before heading to Mr.Wackers show I watched an old video ribbon dance between a tree and a light post. You may have seen the photos I posted on facebook from my iphone of it.

Sold! Wish I could take a few pieces home with me.

This being one of them. Incredible.

It's beautiful how the geometric shapes play and works with the organic, and then add all the colors. The colors bring such warmth and life to his paintings (or a coolness in some).

Haha, I need to get one of those...

Headed out, but will hopefully be back to have another look before it comes down. The show was inspiring, not to be missed.


Jumped on the F and headed home.

We were momentarily stopped, as a crime scene was taking place just outside the window. Just down the street and to the left of the 'do not enter' sign were several police officers all pointing there guns toward three men laying face down on the ground. Rough ending after seeing so much beauty and amazement at Mr.Wackers show.
His show runs through August 8,2009 so go check it out if you haven't already.