Paul Wackers - If You Can't See Me, I Can't See You

7 September - 2 November 2024
Wackers’ combines the mundane with the impossible. This expressive approach transforms still-life compositions and landscapes into unexpected configurations. His latest body of work showcases a move towards a more experimental style.

Eleanor Harwood Gallery is pleased to present Paul Wackers’s ninth solo exhibition with the gallery: If You Can't See Me, I Can't See You. The show will open on September 7th, 2024, and will be on view through November 2nd, 2024.


In his new collection, Wackers initiates paintings –– such as Shot Pattern, The Story Told is Not Always Yours to Know but Sometimes to Hold as a Thing to Wonder About, and Made Real With Care and Time –– with drawing, allowing for an exploration of the paint itself rather than a singular focus on the composition. The resulting layers seamlessly blend into each other, evoking a gestural and painterly quality that represents a departure from his previous works.


This new series captures the dynamic essence of the world around us, combining the mundane with the impossible. This expressive approach transforms still-life compositions into unexpected spaces, inviting us to perceive the world around us in new and enticing ways.


In this latest body of work, Wackers showcases a new experimental style. We see this new painting structure demonstrated in This Side Of The Line. Wackers's approach to the new images is intuitive, and the application of the paint is almost automatic. We see carefully cultivated layers next to lively and distinct forms of color, while the composition flows freely, threatening to spill from the canvas.